13-Point Web Design Client Onboarding Checklist (With bonus TOOLBOX)
Hate the stop and start of working on a client's website design project when you realize you don't have all of their details? This 13-Point checklist will help you get all of your client's details and collateral in one place so you can design without interruption.
Our 13-point Checklist is the "to-do" list you'll need to be sure you're not missing a step. Load it into your Trello account, or project management software and share it with the client so they see what they need to provide for you to get started.
Checklists come in 2 formats: Printable PDF and Raw Text (for putting in your own format)
BONUS TRELLO JSON CHECKLIST: Ready to import JSON list for your trello board.
BONUS TOOLBOX: 5-Tool List That We Use To Launch Wordpress Sites
13-Point Launch Checklist for On boarding New Web Design Clients